Their views will help guide the Local Development Plan (LDP), a 10 year strategy that sets out how the city will grow between 2015-2025.
The first key stage of preparing the plan is a Main Issues Report which suggests options for change and asks for comments. The consultation on these options will last for three months until 27 January 2012 and will consist of a series of exhibitions and events across the city.
Councillor Jim Lowrie, Planning Leader for Edinburgh, said: "It's vital we plan for the future so we can continue to support the growth of Edinburgh's economy. Key to this is what the public think so we need their views.
"How do they want their city to grow over the next ten years? What facilities do we need to provide? What do they think makes Edinburgh a fantastic place to live in? How can we improve things?
"Consultation is an important part of this plan and by listening to our communities they will help us shape the future of this great city and ensure it remains one of the most sought after places to live in the United Kingdom."
The LDP is a key part of the modernisation of the planning system and will replace the existing Edinburgh City Local Plan and the Rural West Edinburgh Local Plan.
The main issues for change are:
- housing, including options for new housing sites
- infrastructure provision
- economic growth
- shopping and leisure
- quality of place
- climate change and environmental resources.