The organisation that acts as the employer voice on skills issues, the Alliance of Sector Skills Councils in Scotland (Alliance Scotland), has urged the Scottish Government to take a ‘leap of faith’ when it comes to investing in skills development to ensure that the Scottish Government achieves its target of 100% electricity equivalent from renewable energy sources by 2020.
The comments came from the Alliance in its response to the Scottish Parliament’s Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee’s inquiry into the Scottish Government’s renewable energy targets, the consultation on which closes today (29th February).
Recent research for Scottish Renewables has identified the potential for more than 28,000 full-time equivalent jobs to be created in the offshore wind sector alone, with indirect and induced effects generating an additional 20,000 jobs by 2020.
While recognising the Scottish Government’s commitment to deliver apprenticeship and training places in the renewable energy sector, the Alliance has called on the Scottish Government to ‘take a leap faith’ and build on its up-front investment in skills and training to ensure Scotland has an appropriately skilled workforce to be able to take full advantage of the considerable economic and employment benefits arising from this sector. Anticipating the precise scale of future growth in the renewable energy sector remains a challenge, with investment in skills development needed right now on the understanding that emerging sectors such as offshore wind will only really start to take off in around 2014/15.
The Alliance also called on the Scottish Government to examine whether firms looking to take advantage of Scotland’s significant renewable energy resources could be encouraged to source a fixed proportion of their workforce from the local jobs market or to make a defined commitment to local skills development. It has also called on the Scottish Government to encourage greater take-up of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in Scotland’s schools, universities and colleges and for the delivery of positive, high quality careers advice to encourage more people to take-up STEM-related careers.
Jacqui Hepburn, Director of the Alliance Scotland said: "The Alliance is strongly supportive of the Scottish Government’s renewable energy targets as a key driver for the future development of the renewable energy industry in Scotland, with potentially significant associated opportunities for employment and economic development.
"The level of ambition for the industry expressed by the target must be matched by a similarly ambitious programme of up-front support to enable the development of those skills needed for Scotland to take full advantage of the associated employment opportunities.
"There is good evidence to suggest the Scottish Government is rising to these challenges and that the Scottish workforce is adapting to the renewable energy opportunities, but it is vital that we build on this to ensure that the immense potential opportunities are fully realised."
Evidence submitted by the Alliance goes on to identify some specific existing and emerging skills-related issues that, if not addressed, could seriously hamper future growth in the renewable energy industry:
1. Ageing workforce
With large numbers of skilled people forecast to leave the power generation industry over the course of the next decade, there is a pressing need to identify new sources of recruits to fill the looming gaps, with a particular focus on engaging with under-represented groups, such as women and ethnic minorities.
2. Existing skills gaps and shortages
The wind industry is already suffering from a shortage of suitably skilled workers. Specifically, employers in the industry are currently facing difficulties in filling vacancies for project managers, electrical engineers and turbine technicians.
Quantifying existing and emerging skills gaps and skills shortages in the renewable energy sector is a key priority, as well as working with providers and others to address them.
3. Uptake of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects
The take-up of STEM subjects at school and university is vital if we are to ensure the future workforce is large enough and can provide the necessary skills to meet the particular requirements of the renewable energy sector.
This could be through incentives to retain engineers and other STEM qualified individuals in the labour market for longer, or working with the immigration system with a view to giving priority to would be immigrants with those specific skills the country needs.
In the longer term more needs to be done with young people (including at an early age) to change attitudes about the attractiveness of STEM subjects and the career opportunities they can lead to.
Given that fresh graduates will not fully satisfy the demand for specific skills, firms must also look inward and make significant investments in training and Human Resource (HR) processes to generate in-house capabilities and experience.
4. Oil and gas – skills transfer
There is clearly a major opportunity for people currently employed in the oil and gas sector to transfer their skills into the renewable energy industry. However, since demand for skilled workers and associated career opportunities in the oil and gas sector remain relatively buoyant, there is currently limited evidence of large numbers of people leaving the oil and gas industry to pursue a career in renewables. However, this is expected to change as the industry becomes more established,
5. Learning provision
While broadly in balance at present, available learning provision is likely to be inadequate to meet the level of demand generated by the renewable energy sector in the future.
Teachers are an obvious key path in motivating young people to learn and to take a strong interest in a particular subject or career path. Therefore, continuing to invest in quality teaching staff and in attracting young scientists into the teaching profession will offer high quality role models to young people – role models that they can relate to and who are able to ignite young peoples’ enthusiasm for STEM learning and careers.
6. Careers advice
Positive, high quality careers advice delivered in schools which is based on accurate and appropriate information and delivered in an impartial manner is absolutely crucial to encouraging more people in STEM-related careers.
7. Education-industry exchange
Schools should do more to encourage stronger representation of STEM-related industries and experience on school governing bodies. STEM and/or low carbon committees of school governing bodies would also be able to offer advice on appropriate learning activities and promote links with industry.
There is also a need for greater encouragement of young people to enter STEM studies by employers through increased access to, and promotion of, bursary and employer sponsorship schemes. More active support and encouragement for STEM graduates thinking about starting a career in low carbon sectors would also be beneficial.
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