The draft policy was approved by yesterday's special meeting of the Housing and Social Services Committee and will go out for further consultation this summer.
It proposes to ensure that allocations are routinely made to those in greatest housing need; applicants are able to choose which houses they want to be considered for, and use of the Council's housing stock is maximised.
The system will be based on priority not points, applicants will be encouraged to be pro-active and will be placed in groups instead of on a list.
The groups will be: Home Seekers - those who as assessed as homeless in terms of the law which will account for 50% of vacancies; Home Movers - tenants of the Council and registered social landlords living in the Falkirk Council area, and, Home Starters - all other applicants.
There will be four categories:
- Will give the highest priority to homeless people, those with significant medical needs, serious overcrowding, poor housing conditions, under-occupying social rented housing or living in redevelopment/regeneration areas
- Includes non-priority homeless people, sharing, overcrowding (one bed needed) and social reasons
- Is for applicants with continuing parental responsibilities, children in flats, under-occupation (by non-tenants) medical condition or local connection
- Includes all other applicants
Councillor Gerry Goldie, Convener of Housing and Social Services, said: "I believe this draft policy provides us with an excellent approach to meeting the housing needs of local people in the 21st century.
"We still have some aspects to develop further and we will be consulting again but the new policy shows how we can more effectively meet housing need and give applicants a real say in the process of finding a home."